Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I have... 0 followers. This is a fucking problem.

I wanna be famous. Fuck you people. I follow you. You follow me. Yes?

How it works.

Last night, I got shitfaced and tried to type with my nose. likethisfuckspaxcebars

Scotch is the shit.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So, I've been thinking.

I play EverQuest II a lot, right? I happen to be a roleplayer on the Antonia Bayle server.

I got to thinking. There are only a few -good- military RP guilds on AB. The rest either have secret buttfucking rings or just kinda suck, see? So, why not make one myself?

I meant a military guild, btw. Not a secret buttfucking ring.

I'm thinking something called the Knights of Zek or something. Thoughts?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Blog to Post My Thoughts

Hi. How are you? I hope you are fine.

I have a Facebook. Kinda. I used to use it to vent. But guess what?


I have this now. This shall be the home for my rambling mind. Hee. Hehe. Hehehehehehe.

I needed an outlet. I have one. I will say what I want here, when I want. Perhaps with random pictures thrown in. Got it? Okay. First off, fuck you. I don't like you. I don't know you. But fuck you. You the are the reason I am here. Got it?